Call for papers: International graduate conference Freie Universität Berlin

The 8th Graduate School of North American Studies international conference will be held at the John F. Kennedy Institute at Freie Universität Berlin on May 7-9, 2015.

Currently we are looking for a broad and intriguing spectrum of papers on "Alliances: Un/Common Causes and the Politics of Participation" and invite graduate students to join us in Berlin in May 2015.

The conference will explore the histories, presences, and futures of alliance making. Transdisciplinary and transnational in scope, it foregrounds the complex interplay between the imaginary and the material. We invite speakers to think with, through, and beyond the following issues:

  1. hegemonic alliances vs. grassroots organizing
  2. mobs, crowds, and gatherings: performativity and agency in numbers
  3. fragmented, operation-based initiatives and intersectional justice movements
  4. cultural resonances and literary representations of alliances
  5. the aesthetics of co-option and cooperation
  6. delinking strategies and dissolving coalitions
  7. peer-to-peer finance (e.g. crowdfunding) and other collaborative investments
  8. networked materialities, virtual and posthuman alliances
  9. alliances and social participation in historical perspective

You can find the full CfP on the website of the GSNAS (

Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short CV to

The proposal deadline is February 16, 2015.
Selected presenters will be notified by March 17, 2015.